Treasures Of Malta Easter 2005 No 32 Vol XI No 2
Old Maps of Malta
A new set of stamps
Two Modellos by Giuseppe Grech
Keith Sciberras discusses the short life of one of Malta’s most promising artistic personalities of the late 18th century
Francesco Buonamici – Eight New Attributions
Giovanni Bonello throws light on some splendid building works he now believes can be attributed to Francesco Buonamici
A Famous Shipwreck in History – St Paul
Enarrant Caeli! An Astrologer at the Foundation of Valletta
Roger Vella Bonavita, Julia Parker and Elizabeth Stafford make some intriguing astrological observations linked to the laying of the foundation stone of Valletta
Antique Silver in the National Collection
A Forgotten Sculpture by Antonio Sciortino Re-Discovered in Ro
Dennis Vella identifies the site of a beautiful funerary monument in marble by Antonio Sciortino
From the Albert Ganado Collection
Patho-Anatomical Realism in Mattia Preti’s Art
Charles Savona-Ventura and Joe Vella highlight the widespread use of artistic realism in Mattia Preti’s paintings
The Changeable History and Décor of Verdala Castle
Joseph Galea-Naudi and Denise Micallef guide us around the imposing Verdala Castle and catalogue its furnishings
Book Trading Practices in Early Modern Malta
William Zammit examines the dissemination of printed matter in Malta before 1800
Malta’s Heritage in European Exhibitions
The Auberge of Germany in Vittoriosa
Lorenzo Zahra discusses the role of the German Knights within the Order of St John
Three Generations of Clock-Makers of Renown
Louis Suban writes about the well known Suban family of watch and clock makers
Cultural Calendar
Cecilia Xuereb reviews highlights of the Cultural Calendar including music, dance and the fine arts
Art at Auction
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