Treasures of Malta Easter 2003 No 26 Vol IX No 2
Mysteries of the Maltese Gallarija
Giovanni Bonello writes about the Maltese balcony and includes much new material
The Valletta Sacra Infermeria in Travelogues and Art
Charles Savona-Ventura traces the history of the Sacra Infermeria and its reputation abroad
Making the Water Fountains Flow
Antonio Pippi – A Forgotten Quadraturista
Mario Buhagiar throws new light on the first painter of the Manoel Theatre ceiling and the Gozo Cathedral trompe l’oeil dome
From the Albert Ganado Collection
Some Further Thoughts on the Temple Age
Alexander Welsh attempts to explain some of the many unanswered questions surrounding the Temple people
Francesco Zahra 1710-1773
Emmanuel Fiorentino gives a brief overview of the life and discusses some of the works of a great Maltese artist of the 18th century
Properties Transferred to Din l-Art Helwa
Excavators and Adventurers – the history of three bas-reliefs in the Museum of Archaeology
Thomas Freller recounts the story of marble bas-reliefs once part of a fountain in the Palace courtyard
Malta Views on sale at Sotheby’s
Costume and Lace
Nicholas de Piro writes about the importance of costume and lace in the Maltese way of life
Awards for Patrimonju Publications
The French Knights in Birgu Prior to the Great Siege of 1565
Lorenzo Zahra recounts various episodes involving French knights during the period when the Order of St John were still based in Birgu
Treasures hanging from Maltese walls
Robert Attard discovers that some of the edged weapons in Maltese private collections are often unidentified historical gems
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