Repubblika Ta’ Malta / Republic Of Malta
L-Ewwel Hamsin Sena / First Fifty Years
Ħamsin sena ilu, l-Istat ta’ Malta irnexxielu jimmetamorfosizza f’res publica. Għall-ewwel darba, l-uffiċċji pubbliċi kollha bdew jiġu maħtura direttament jew indirettament mill-Poplu ta’ Malta u Għawdex, u aktar importanti minn hekk, bdew jirrispondu għall-istess nies. Il-vjaġġ kien tassew eżasperanti iżda r-reżiljenza tal-Maltin kienet tipprevali l-ħin kollu. Irrispettivament mix-xewqa istintiva ta’ missirijietna, l-idea ta’ rajna f’idejna setgħet issir realtà biss bi stabbiltà ekonomika kif ikkonfermat mill-ewwel artikolu tal-Kostituzzjoni. Ir-Repubblika ta’ Malta hija fuq kollox imsejsa fuq ix-xogħol, u d-destin tagħha jinsab fl-unika riżors tagħha – il-poplu bieżel li sfida l-kurrent li kien jonfoħ kontra biex bit-tbatija u bl-għaraq ta ġbinu biddel dan l-arċipelagu modest f’nazzjon sovran.
Fifty years ago, the State of Malta accomplished its metamorphosis into a res publica For the first time in living memory, all public offices were appointed directly or indirectly by the People of Malta and Gozo, and more importantly, they became answerable to the same people. The journey was truly exasperating but the Islanders’ resilience prevailed all along. Irrespective of our forerunners’ instinctive longing, self-determination could only become a reality with economic stability as confirmed by the very first article of the Constitution. The Republic of Malta is above all founded on work, and its destiny lies in its only resource – the industrious people who defied the odds and arduously crafted this modest archipelago into a sovereign nation.
No of pages: 96
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