Malta U L – Ewro & The Euro
Jiddeskrivi u janalizza l-ġrajjiet u l-iżviluppi fi ħdan iż-żona tal-ewro bejn l-2015 u nofs l-2017, meta ntemmet il-Presidenza Maltija tal-Unjoni Ewropea. B’hekk, insegwu l-aħħar kapitlu drammatiku tal-kriżi Griega, l-isforzi biex jissaħħaħ it-tkabbir ekonomiku fl-Ewropa, l-impatt tal-Brexit fuq iż-żona tal-ewro u d-dibattiti dwar x’għandu jkun il-futur tal-ewro issa li s-snin ta’ kriżi donnhom għaddew.
Ikompli bl-istorja tal-ewro mill-kriżi ekonomika u finanzjarja tal-2008 sal-bidu tas-sena 2015 li ż-żewġ kotba ta’ qablu f’din is-sensiela diġà ppreżentaw. Bħalhom, għandu jservi ta’ għodda indispensabbli għal studenti u ċittadini “komuni” Maltin li jixtiequ jagħrfu x’inhuma l-fatturi li qed jaffettwaw il-munita nazzjonali tagħhom.
Describes and analyses events and developments in the eurozone between 2015 and mid-2017, when the Maltese Presidency of the EU ended. It features the latest dramatic chapter of the Greek crisis, the efforts to bolster economic growth in Europe, the impact of Brexit on the eurozone and the debates about the eurozone’s future now that the years of crisis seem to be over.
Continues with the euro story from the economic and financial criss of 2008 to the early 2015, already presented in the two previous books in this series. Like them, it too should serve as an indispensable tool for Maltese students and “common” citizens wishing to understand the factors that condition the performance of their national currency.
By: Alfred Sant
Format: paperback
Pages: 432
Published: 2017
Condition: New
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