Il – Każ Tal – Kavallier / The Knight Riddle
Il-Każ Tal-Kavallier (Żewġ Lingwi – Malti u Ingliż)
Logħba investigattiva eċitanti f’ambjent Malti ta’ żmien il-Kavallieri ta’ San Ġwann.
Bi proċess ta’ eliminazzjoni tal-Kavallieri, il-Postijiet u l-Oġġetti, solvi l-Każ tal-Kavallier billi tiskopri min hu l-ħati, fejn u biex sar l-att. L-ewwel plejer li jirnexxilu jsolvi l-każ, jirbaħ.
Jilgħabu: 3-6 plejers
Eta’: 9+
Il-kaxxa tinkludi:
Mazz kards tal-evidenza
Mazz kards tal-logħob
Fuljett struzzjonijiet b’żewġ lingwi: Malti u Ingliż
Każ tal- Kavallier notebook
The Knight’s Riddle (Two Languages – English and Maltese)
An exciting investigative game set in a Maltese landscape during the era of the Knights of St John. Through the elimination process of the Knights, Places and Objects, solve The Knight’s Riddle by uncovering who did the act, where and using what. The first player to solve the case, wins.
Number of players: 3-6
Age: 9+
The box includes:
A deck of evidence cards.
A deck of playing cards.
Instruction booklet in two languages: English and Maltese.
The Knight’s Riddle notebook
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